Navy SEAL Museum Ft. Pierce

Trident Tuition Funds

Mr. and Mrs. Walsh have started this education initiative for the 2020-2021 academic year. Trident Tuition Funds was created to honor one of the first Scouts & Raiders, J.W. Lunde. This program provides financial support to the dependents of Special Operations individuals who wish to provide a private education for their preschool-age children, private school for children Kindergarten through 12th grade, and to help supplement college tuition for undergraduates. You may join this effort by making a donation from the Support page on our website.

The Trident Tuition Funds mission is to support US Naval Special Warfare families private education granting student tuition awards based on financial need. The three tips of this Trident spear are:

  1. Access to a private Preschool education
  2. Access to a private education, grades K through 12th grade
  3. Provision of tuition support to help college students bridge financial hardship

Multiple awards in various dollar amounts will be awarded annually. Awards will be granted primarily based on financial need and/or hardship.

The 2024 Trident Tuition Funds Application

Sponsored by Tim and Pati Walsh, Trident Tuition Funds was created to honor one of the first Scouts & Raiders, J.W. Lunde. This program provides financial support to the dependents of Naval Special Warfare individuals who wish to provide a private education for their preschool-age children, private school for children Kindergarten through 12th grade, and to help supplement college tuition for students at university.

Applicants must reapply each year they are interested in receiving tuition funds.

Pati and Tim Walsh began this school choice tuition program in honor of J.W. Lunde, Amphibious Scouts and Raiders (S&R) First Class, one of 49 qualified.

About J.W. Lunde
J.W. LundeHe volunteered for the first American WWII commando unit, the Amphibious Scouts and Raiders (S&R) – Ft. Pierce; First Class (49 graduates). He served in ten invasion operations, Central Pacific (1943-1945) from the USS Rocky Mount command ship.

After the war, he graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Mechanical Engineering degree.

After a short tenure with General Electric Co. in Indiana, he left to join the Werner von Braun US space effort 1958; it was under military control.

In 1960, the operation changed to NASA, at which time he led a design and development team as Chief Engineer, creating the J-2 rocket engine with slide rules. The J-2 engine was an integral component in America’s Saturn V Apollo Moon Mission’s success.

The J-2 burned liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen to power the second stage (cluster of five) and the third stage with a single re-igniting engine. The single J-2 propelled astronauts to the moon and back over 50 years ago.

Jack Lunde lived the ethos he learned while serving his country. In fact, the discipline and innovation required as a Scout and Raider (S&R) carried over into his Engineering career. It was also recognized by his other brothers, the Scottish Rite Masons – Supreme Council conferred Jack the 33rd degree for his major contributions to society, an honor awarded to less than one percent of Freemasons.

In addition, he was a self-taught investor. He influenced the Trident Tuition Funds sponsors daughter, Pati, and son-in-law, Tim, who both share his disciplined and innovative approach to life. Their team effort has expanded his original assets with diversification and additional assets so that his financial legacy is able to share select school choice opportunities for his Navy SEAL Team brothers, their families.

2022-2023 Trident Tuition Funds Award Recipients

The Navy SEAL Museum is honored to work in tandem with Mr. and Mrs. Walsh, providing a Scholarship Program in support of children of the Special Operations Community. Trident Tuition Funds generously provides support for education to deserving students for private school from Preschool through 12th Grade, in addition to helping fund college tuition. Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Trident Tuition Funds Scholarship recipients.

First Name School
Anabelle School of the Madeleine
Mary Florida Atlantic University
Samantha UC Davis
Tyler San Diego State Univ
Isabella Academy of Our Lady Peace
Nathan Case Western Reserve University
Lincoln St. John the Apostle Catholic
Ronin St. John the Apostle Catholic
Chloee Millsaps College
Logan Holy Cross
Myah Millsaps College
Benjamin Baylake Academy
Gabriel Old Dominion University
Joseph University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Legend Mt. Pleasant Christian School
Colin Island Pacific Academy
Valentina Island Pacific Academy
Riley St. Gregory the Great
Alexander Ocean View Christian Academy
Elias Ocean View Christian Academy
Haylee St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
John St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Emily University of San Diego
Avigayil Christian Unified
Mackenzie Veritas Collegiate Academy
Seth St. John the Apostle
Ivy Norfolk Christian School
Meredith Norfolk Christian School
Tyler Norfolk Christian School
Karina University of Tennessee
Victoria University of Minnesota
Evan St. Gregory the Great School
Harper Atlantic Shores Christian School
Abigail University of Notre Dame
Amelia LaJolla Country Day School
Oliver Cape Henry Collegiate
Olivia Catholic High School
Katelyn University of Tennessee
Sage Norfolk Christian School
Florence The Rock Academy
Dean Nativity Catholic School
Wade Nativity Catholic School
Grace Star of the Sea
Isaiah Star of the Sea
Josie Star of the Sea
Gavin Norfolk Collegiate
Logan Norfolk Collegiate
Maddox Island Pacific Academy
Tiffany Santa Fe College
Nicholas Classical Conversations
Teddy Classical Conversations
Ava The Goddard School
Alston College of William & Mary
Barrett Catholic High School
Keilani St. John the Apostle Catholic
Matthew Catholic High School
Charley Home School
Joey Home School
Scout Home School
Gage Iolani School
Clara Coastal Christian Academy
Hadley St. Patricks Catholic School
Jacob St. Patricks Catholic School
Zoe First Presyterian PreSchool
John Lake City Academy
Merritt Lake City Academy
Juniper The Terra Nova School
Cade Ocean View Christian Academy
Rhett Ocean View Christian Academy
William Montessori Center of Pearl Harbor
Eilish Saint John Paul the Great
Isobella Saint John Paul the Great
Willem Saint John Paul the Great
Elena Norfolk Collegiate
Nathanael James Madison University
Jake Cape Henry Collegiate
Nathan Cape Henry Collegiate
Madelynn University of Arkansas
Hawkins Francis Asbury
Brooke St. John the Apostle
Mason Primrose School of VB South
Corbin Saint Edwards School
Cory St. Columbia Catholic School
Kieran St. Columbia Catholic School
Adelyn Hanalani School
Aubrey Hanalani School
Peter Classical Conversations
Presley Classical Conversations
Remington St. John of the Apostle Catholic
Bria Greenbrier Christian Academy
Colt Greenbrier Christian Academy
Maia Christ Church Day School
Ty Christ Church Day School
Reagan New Hope Preschool
Gunner The Rock Academy
Jett The Rock Academy
Dax Calvary Chapel Christian Preschool
Dean Calvary Chapel Christian Preschool
Keean Catholic High School
Rylan St. John the Apostle Catholic School
Avery Whole Life Learning Center
Luke Whole Life Learning Center
Aria Sunshine School
Charlie Cape Henry Collegiate
Presley Cape Henry Collegiate
William Cape Henry Collegiate
Ford Madera Grove
Callum Bayside Presbyterian
Emmer Bayside Presbyterian Preschool
Rocco Bayside Presbyterian Preschool
Troy Bayside Presbyterian Preschool
Harrison Bellamy Manor
Russell Bellamy Manor
Sawyer Bellamy Manor
Amelia St. John the Apostle Catholic
Collin St. John the Apostle Catholic
Kaiden St. John the Apostle Catholic
Kailyn St. John the Apostle Catholic School
Alexander Tidewater Community College
Keely St. John the Apostle Catholic School
Keira St. John the Apostle Catholic School
Kenneth St. John the Apostle Catholic School
Adelynn Heartland Christian Academy
Drew Immanuel Lutheran School
Josie Immanuel Lutheran School
Emma Norfolk Academy
Robert Norfolk Academy
Adrielle Francis Asbury
Kaia Francis Asbury
Ayla The Treehouse Academy
Magnus Foothills Faith Academy
Massimo Foothills Faith Academy
Della Oceanview Christian Academy
Jett Community Congregational Church
Cecilia Bishop Gorman
Hannah Classical Conversations
Hayden Classical Conversations
Hudson Classical Conversations
Hunter Classical Conversations
Easton Suffolk Christian Academy
Shelby Suffolk Christian Academy
Grant Preschool
Maisy St. James Catholic School
Emily Christ Church Day School
James Christ Church Day School
Kate The Epiphany School
Adelyn Atlantic Shores Christian School
Macazlyn Atlantic Shores Christian School
Caroline Ocean View Christian Academy
Charlotte Ocean View Christian Academy
William Ocean View Christian Academy
Luke Ocean View Christian Academy
Theodor Die Rasslebande
Dylan Norfolk Academy
Elouise Galilee Montessori
Jacob Norfolk Collegiate
Luke Univeristy of Utah
Noah Christian Unified
Christian Berwick Academy
Claire Saint Patrick Academy
Matthew Saint Patrick Academy
Sophia Central Catholic High School
Ryder Horizon Prep