Memorial Day Ceremony
Monday, May 27, 2024
Thank you to all guests who attended our Memorial Day Ceremony in observance of this sacred day, with reverence for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We gather each year to honor and remember our servicemen and women who have died in the line of duty so that their legacy may live on forever.
Fallen, Never Forgotten,
We Speak Their Names
Friends of the Museum,
On this Memorial Day, we remember, reflect, and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. From the Frogmen of WWII, to the present wars and recent losses, we take this day to look back with respect and honor for those who came before us.
As we observe Memorial Day, remember those who defended this country by giving their life, and their final sacrifice made for “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” –freedoms we all enjoy today and blessings that were earned through the blood of those warriors!
We are the strongest and most respected nation in the world because of our Fallen Heroes. This Memorial Day, I have asked friends and Teammates from all over the nation to recite the names of each of the Frogmen who have died from World War II to present day. The Museum is grateful for their participation in our annual Memorial Video.
It has been said that a man dies twice. The first time is when he ceases to breathe. The second time is when his name is spoken for the last time. We honor our Fallen by remembering their lives. You honor them by sharing this video far and wide with your fellow Americans.
Fallen, Never Forgotten, We Speak Their Names.
Commander (SEAL) Grant Mann, USN (Ret.)
Navy SEAL Museum Executive Director

2024 Keynote Speaker
Captain (SEAL) Bill Wilson, USN (Ret.)
Bill spent 28 years in the US Navy as a SEAL Officer. Commissioned as an Ensign in 1986, he graduated from BUD/S (Class 141) in 1987 and reported to SEAL Team Three. He served as Platoon Commander during tours with both SEAL Team Three and SEAL Team One and then as an Instructor at the Naval Special Warfare Center, training SEALs in both Land Warfare and Demolitions. Bill reported to Naval Special Warfare Development Group in 1994 and served as both an element leader and Team Leader. He has served in various leadership roles throughout the military to include US Navy and Joint Commands.
Bill retired in 2014 and entered the software business in San Francisco. In 2016 he co-founded Alchemy, a software services company based in Reno, NV. Bill serves on the Navy SEAL Museum San Diego Board of Directors.
America’s Price of Freedom
Immediately following our Memorial Day Service the Museum will host a special installation dedication. Please join us with local artist and grateful patriot Charlie Sembler for the dedication of his “America’s Price of Freedom” sculpture on the north side of the Museum’s campus.