Memorial Brick Program
The Navy SEAL Museum’s Memorial Brick Program began in the late Nineties to provide fellow Frogmen and their families a permanent legacy on Museum grounds. The program was so well received, it was expanded in early 2000 to include spouses, members, friends, and supporters of the Museum.
The Brick Program has continued to grow in popularity. As such, we have included Memorial Bricks along our newest walkway, surrounding the Museum’s entire four acres with beautiful tributes to loved ones.
Ensure your place in UDT-SEAL history and support the Navy SEAL Museum. A donation of $100 purchases your personalized Memorial Brick on the Museum walkway.
NCDU, UDT, SEAL, and Scouts and Raiders members can place personalized bricks in designated Team areas of the walkway. Be sure to include your name, the Team on which you served, your training class number, or other distinction. You may also purchase a brick in memory of a teammate.
Additionally, there are special areas dedicated on the walkway for thoses outside of Naval Special Warfare Teams. Spouses, relatives, friends, members, and supporters of the Navy SEAL Museum help pave the way in personalized Memorial Bricks, as well.
A certificate for presentation and a picture of your brick(s) are available upon request at no additional charge.
Purchase a Memorial Brick
Search Our Brick Database

In our newly renovated Cold War Gallery, we’ve incorporated a touchscreen kiosk that helps our guests located their loved one’s brick on the property. It’s as easy as entering a name and pressing the “SEARCH” button. The database of new bricks will be added every time a new brick is installed, which will help our visitors locate any brick on property!