Epic Charity Challenge 2021
Ride For the Fallen: Natchez Trace Parkway Fully Supported 440 Mile Road Ride
Location: Nashville TN to Jackson MS.
DATE: October 7th – 11th, 2021
This year’s event is a 444 mile bike ride on the Natchez Trace Parkway, from Nashville TN to Jackson MS. The ride will be fully supported with Sag Wagon, mechanic, lodging, meals and snacks. This year’s charity will again be the Navy Seal Museum’s Trident House Foundation. The daily mileage will be 85-110 and there will be a variety of side trips along the way to enjoy, in addition to the company that you will keep. The ride is capped at 12 participants.
If you’ve never heard of this route before, here is the link to discover more details. There are no stop signs, stop lights, commercial traffic and the speed limit is 50 mph for all vehicles. It is one of the iconic bicycle roads of the USA.
The itinerary will be:
Oct 6th, 2021 – Arrive Nashville. Hotel and transfers provided
Oct 7th – Begin Ride for the Fallen. Nightly hotel and transport provided.
Oct 10th – Finish Ride
Learn more about The Epic Charity Challenge outreach and how it is changing the lives of our Special Operations Forces through the unstoppable force of patriots who are working to make a difference. epiccharitychallenge.com